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Friday, April 17, 2009

Maundy Thursday

After one last meal where Jesus gives his own body and blood as food forever, they process out so that Jesus can be captured.

It seems foolish. What self respecting Savior would willingly die on a cross?

And besides, can any one man die for the punishment of the entire world’s guilt?
Only God is big enough to make that kind of sacrifice. But then, how weak must God be?

The Word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

He was weak so that we would be strong. Jesus’ death, God’s death, is our life.

To those who believe, Jesus, the power of God who forgives their sins and raises them up to everlasting life, continues to give himself as eternal food under bread and wine for us now.

These Seeds of Faith have been sown by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Bridgeport, Nebraska. I’m Pastor Allen Strawn

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