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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Easter 4

The 60’s produced gatherings of like minded individuals that would pack themselves into one location, supporting each other in their “new” free beliefs.

While the radical 60’s wouldn’t exactly be what we would consider appropriate behavior in their communal situations, the book of Acts speaks of a communal situation.

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. … And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.

This communal living is called the church, where we are to learn the one true faith together, receive God’s gifts in worship together and have everything in common.

This is true communion with God and with one another, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

These Seeds of Faith have been sown by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Bridgeport, Nebraska. I’m Pastor Allen Strawn

Easter 3

Have you ever had all the facts laid out for you, yet it still didn’t make any sense? When I was a linear algebra student oftentimes all the formulas were on the page, but the problem just didn’t make any sense. It would take the teacher to reveal it to me.

As the Emmaus road disciples walked with a man whom they didn’t recognize, they had all the facts laid out. We had hope Jesus would be the Messiah. He said he would be put to death and He was crucified. He said He would come back from the dead three days later, and the women at the tomb said it was empty.

They had all the facts, but the Truth hadn’t been revealed to them, that is until Jesus opened their eyes and gave Himself to them in the breaking of bread.

These Seeds of Faith have been sown by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Bridgeport, Nebraska. I’m Pastor Allen Strawn